Alice In Wonderland Research Paper

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The focus of my project is learning about the history behind the book Alice in Wonderland, and to learn how to work with certain 3-D mediums. I learned the origin story of many of the characters and events, as well as what was happening during that time, which was the Victorian era.

I learned that many of the characters and settings are based upon place and people that Lewis Carroll knew himself or things that he liked/disliked. Characters such as the white rabbit, Alice and a few others are based on people Lewis Carroll knew. A Lot of the settings are based on places that he is familiar with. The time the story took place was May 4th, Alice Liddell's birthday. The weeping mock turtle is weeping because he knew that turtles seem to cry a …show more content…

The queen of hearts is based on the actual government of england during that time. The mock turtle is also based on the fact that turtle soup was very popular, but very expensive, during the Victorian era; the poorer people who wanted to eat the soup made a mock turtle soup from calves head, which is why the character has a cow head.The mad hatter and the march hare are based on the phrases mad as a hatter and mad as a march hare, respectively. The mad hatter phrase is mainly because of the fact that hatters usually went mad because of the mercury they worked with, giving them mercury poisoning(symptoms include irritability, mood swings, and a bunch of things that makes one go crazy). The march hare phrase is based on the male hares during the mad, that look crazy as it is mating season in march. The cheshire cat could have been based on a numerous amount of things, like the paintings of grinning cats or lions from Cheshire, or the Cheshire cheese shaped in the shape of a smiling cat's head, or the statue of a cat in a church, that looked like it was smiling from a sitting view, but as one stood up the smile