Personal Narrative: My Focused Learner Alondra

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On October 26th at 4:30 pm, I began to observe my focused learner Alondra at Eastchester Community Action Partnership (ECAP). As I observed Alondra, I noticed right away that she is not shy. Alondra did not hesitate to speak to me, answer my questions or share any personal information about herself. I learned that Alondra is an energetic girl who loves to dance. Her favorite songs are “100 Years” and “Let It Go” from the Disney Frozen movie. During observations Alondra even sang and danced for me demonstrating her bold personality. Alondra expressed to me that her favorite activity to do is to use her tablet. While speaking with Alondra she would often get out of her seat. I would tell her to take a seat while speaking to me because she would lose focus quickly. During observations, Alondra read me a story called Waiting is Not Easy! written by Mo Willems. I noticed that Alondra had memorized the book. Alondra did not attempt to pronounce words. If she …show more content…

During the pre-assessment Alondra read a story that involved children jumping, hoping, and running. One of the questions asked “What can the girl in the beginning of the story do?” Alondra responded correctly and said “Jump”. When I asked Alondra the following question “What can another girl in the story do?” Alondra responded “Flip” then, self-corrected herself and said “Hop and play.” This response shows me that she is relating the text to ideas she knows and is familiar with because flip can connect to jump and hop. Also, while reading there was an illustration of a girl eating a hamburger and French fries. The page reads, “I can eat lunch.” Alondra read it as “I can eat McDonald’s.” She made a visual connection and used the information she already knows to try and guess what the text says. Alondra loves illustrations and uses the pictures to help her