The Ethical Aspects Of Alternating Interventions

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Alternating treatments design allows for the evaluation of the results of two or more independent variables (treatments) on the same behavior. This design is important to educators and clinicians that are concerned with which interventions work most effectively. The alternating treatments design has also been referred to multielement design (Ulman & Sulzer-Azaroff, 1975). It has also been mistakenly called the simultaneous treatments design (Kazdin & Hartmann, 1978). Treatments can be altered within sessions, different times of day, or even different days. Three important points to alternating designs are presentation of treatments and all aspects of the treatment should be counterbalanced. Subjects should be able to discriminate between or among the treatment conditions. Finally, the dependent variable should be revisable. The behavior should be able to increase or decrease (Richards, Taylor, & Ramasamy 2014). Intervention Alternating treatment design with …show more content…

Single Subject designs include robust and influential methods for manipulating the behavior of individuals, ethical concerns are extremely important. Furthermore, ethical and humane treatments are crucial to follow during intervention and treatment. Walker and Shea (1991) had several questions to address when establishing treatment. Who will manage the behavior, who decides what behavior is to be changed, who decides what type of intervention is to be used. Who decides if the intervention is ethical, who determines if the administer behaves ethically. Additionally, when specifically working with children these considerations are important. Define the child, can the child make free choices, can they voice their concerns and be included in their interventions and treatments. Who determines behavior that need modified or approves interventions. These are just a ethical considerations discussed in Walker & Shea