
Amanda Palmer's TED Talk: The Art Of Asking

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Amanda Palmer’s TED Talk, “The Art of Asking”
The short documentary Amanda Palmer’s TED Talk, “The Art of Asking” was done very well because of the valid arguments she talked about. Amanda Palmer told true stories that she had personally experienced, and she done a very well jobs of explaining her situations. The speech was about asking people for help, and not being afraid of asking. The documentary used ethos and pathos exceptionally well and persuaded the audience that her statement was valid and credible. During the documentary Amanda Palmer did not stray away from her main point, which was asking. Throughout the video she was talking about asking people for various things. She “hit the nail with the hammer” throughout the video, because …show more content…

She begins her speech standing on a milk crate and holding a flower out, to tell people that that was one of her jobs. Amanda was a human statue that was dressed up like a lonely bride, she would stand there and take pictures with people for money and in return for the picture she would give the person a flower. The flower was a gift saying “Thank you, here take this” Amanda would not say thank you because she was a statue, but she gave the flower to people and it meant thank you. Being a statue was Amanda’s full-time job and she did not enjoy it, but it paid the bills she said. As she was talking about her job she said “Many people in their vehicles would drive by and scream GET A JOB!” as she was thinking to herself she would say this is my job. Surprisingly, she made pretty good money being a statue and her pay was pretty predictable. Her favorite part about being a statue was being able to connect with people and not talking to them, but being able to read into their eyes and see them saying “Thanks for seeing me when no one else …show more content…

While she was in Melbourne Australia she tweeted, “Where in the HELL can I get a netti pot in MELBOURNE.” Personally if a non-celebrity tweeted that I highly doubt that someone would bring me a netti pot, like a nurse did almost instantly after she tweeted that. After concerts Amanda would “couch surf,” which means stay where ever she could after a concert, she would tweet I need a place to stay and usually she would find a place for the night. Once again if I posted that anywhere away from home I highly doubt that I would find a place to hang for the night. Due to Amanda’s popularity and a rising star in the music industry she is able to receive those things from people, but once again she could have not received them if she did not simply

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