Amanda Peers: A Short Story

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Bang! is the sound that Amanda Peers heard when her feet touched the pavement to soon blow out the other runners. Her skill was laid out on the track where her dauntless attitude shone through, and once she began running her long nut-brown hair trailed after her. Although she had a short stature, she was lightning fast on the track; This was the year she and her best friend Taurus could qualify in the Olympics. Amanda was closing in on the win and leaving the other contestants in the dust, when contestant number five kicked a heap of rocks to where Amanda was going to run. Oblivious to her surroundings and the rocks that were kicked Amanda did not foresee what terror would strike next.
Bolting around the track for the final stretch, Amanda …show more content…

Olympic tryouts were approaching in one week and four days, leaving Amanda a limited amount of time for her traumatic ankle injury to heal. Pondering about the thought of the Olympic tryouts and her ankle, she was left not knowing what to do. At last Amanda made the decision to train even though her ankle was severely injured, but Taurus did not support her on this idea. Taurus repeatedly reminded her that the doctor instructed her to allow at least three weeks for her ankle to heal. Amanda 's thoughts started to overcrowded with the possibilities of something going terribly wrong. Her day began at the crack of dawn with her sprinting, which was more like limping one hundred meters around the local track. This certain track brought her a sense of tranquility and serenity in her soul because this is where she discovered her lifelong passion. As she rounded the track for the last time she heard the same cracking sound she heard two …show more content…

Oh no she thought as the throbbing and aching pain in her ankle began to increase. Subsequently, she was in the same predicament that she was in two days ago, and this gave her a vivid flashback of what happened at her last track meet with the injury. Taurus soon arrived to run some laps when she saw Amanda, and made a complete turn around to take her to the hospital. If Amanda was one thing it would be an absolute meditator, and she meditated during the dreadful car ride to the hospital. Arriving at the hospital the various doctor 's took x-rays and scans on Amanda 's ankle, which was by now the size of a loaf of bread. It had only been ten minutes when the doctor came zooming in and yelled "It 's a miraculous miracle!" Dr. Ben 's tall stature stood over Amanda, and when he turned his head his hair appeared to transform from black to brown in the radiance of the sun. He began to explain to her that the moment that she heard the cracking sound was when the ankle bone snapped back into place to fix the injury already there. Amanda said, “ so this means that I am healed, and I can still try out for the Olympics!” Dr. Ben replied, “Absolutely” in his deep powerful voice. Amanda could get back to training the next day, if she iced up her swelled ankle. And her bed she concentrated on how she was going to qualify for the Olympics, and from this moment it was lights out for

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