Amandeep's Case Summary

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Amandeep’s situation was a bit different from mine. In my situation blame goes on all levels of health care; for instance, the patient I took care, had to go for his selective surgery even though he was not in situation for this surgery. His wife was terminally sick and was transferred in palliative care a day after he transferred to rehab unit. When he arrived rehab unit, nurses explained him that usually in rehab there are no passes allowed until the vehicle transfer assessments are done by the therapist. Due to the nurses’ heavy workload, they were being more task focused, the patient was not being heard or being asked why he was anxious or uncomfortable. The nurses and the patient came from different viewpoints and they acted accordingly. …show more content…

Furthermore, some patients were not even assessed on that day. This was just Amandeep’s story, I am sure many other were affected by this as unit clerk and the manager confirmed his behaviour towards nurses. If an order was not clear to nurses or pharmacy, it must be clarified or double checked by the prescriber for high quality patient care. As mentioned in the story, Amandeep informed her manager about this incidence, but nothing was done. This makes me feel uncomfortable, it sounds like everyone agreed to this behaviour and adapted this as a norm. On the other hand, I like how the care manager explained that learning goal will not meet if Amandeep cancelled shifts due to this incident. I agree with the manager, but If I were in this situation, I would have cancelled all my shifts as well. On the contrary, looking through HP lens things wouldn’t have settled if left unresolved. I agree if clinical coordinator would have come to the unit the same day and spoke about the incident, this situation could have resolved differently. Where as Amndeep was left unsupported and not being heard that lead her cancel remaining shifts on this unit. As Doane and Varcoe mentioned about the structure and force influence the situation and power is from top to down in our system. This doctor misused his power on nurses and didn’t bother what a