Ambiguity Reflection Essay

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Introduction When I first stepped foot in the classroom on the first night of this class, I knew this would not be just another ordinary college course, but I had no idea what I should expect. This class is much different in nearly every aspect from what I have come to expect in a college classroom. I am not walking into a lecture each evening when I go to class. Instead, I am entering an engaging atmosphere that allows us to work in teams, as an organization, and I can also expect a learning environment that allows me to grow while gaining an understanding of my own strengths and weaknesses. As we reach the midpoint of the semester, I have been put in a classroom that has taught me about myself by doing several different activities and …show more content…

I found it beneficial once I applied what it meant to my work life. Something that is ambiguous in nature is very inexact. It can also be used to describe a level of uncertainty in something. Having a tolerance for ambiguity means remaining open-minded and resilient in the face of uncertainty. (Griffith, 2015. P. 139) A low score on this assessment would indicate that a person has a high tolerance for ambiguity, meaning that they can remain comfortable when presented with a high amount of uncertainty, or are given a lack of information. A high score would tell me that the individual associated has a high need for structure, organization, and …show more content…

My highest two were competing and compromising at seven, followed by withdrawing and avoiding with six, while collaborating was last but still had five. I think that there is still something that can be learned from what seems to be an odd result. I think that the way I choose to resolve conflict differs with each issue I encounter. I think this can be beneficial because I can make a decision and be assertive when necessary but also know that there are times where it is very important to collaborate on an issue to reach the best possible

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