American Boarding Schools Vs Indian Boarding School Essay

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Intro/ Claim Some people disagree, saying that Indian boarding schools were better back then this argument is inaccurate. I don’t think that Indian boarding schools were good back then because they were inhumane and disrespectful to the Indians. Erasing someone's past is never a good thing. There has long been a disagreement about Indian boarding schools. But, I am writing to tell you that Indian boarding schools in the past were inhumane because they tried to erase their past. However present day Indian boarding schools celebrate Indian heritage. BP1 Indian boarding schools of the past were inhumane because of the punishment. One reason is they cut off the boys hair to get rid of the heritage. This is important to know because this is a way they punished the Indians and it’s not ok. Another reason is the priest would sexually molest little girls and get them pregnant and throw their babies in the fire or the running furnace. According to Cree Indian proverb ´´Only when the last tree has died and the last river has been poisoned and the last fish has been caught will we realise we cannot eat money.¨Lastly one of the teachers kicked a little boy down the stairs for speaking his native tongue/ language. This is important because this is how it was back then and it is good to …show more content…

One example is their goal was to get rid of the Indians heritage not teach them. Another example is they punished them for almost everything so they didn’t have time to teach them anything. In addition, they put a white cone on their heads that said dance and made them wear it all over to embarrass them and that doesn’t help the Indians learn anything.I argue that Indian boarding schools had the right state of mind but teaching went to far with the punishments and became physical. According to John holt ¨learning is not the product of teaching. Learning is the product of the activity of