
American Dream Of Home Essay

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What is the American dream? That indeed is a great question! Now that definition can vary from individual to individual but there in lies one level of consistency and that is being able to say proudly, “I am a home owner”. Like most that idea can include owning that corner lot with the white picket fence you’d had been eyeing for some quiet some time with just enough yard space for the dogs and cats to chase themselves tiresome. Some would also say the idea of stability being able to raise a family in a loving, safe and harmonious environment. Or the idea of being able to pass down an inheritance to your children and to watch their children’s children grow up in the very home you spent working long hard and tiresome hours on the job to simply keep the dream of home ownership alive. Prevention: As previously stated, “Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.” Which I believe indeed is a very true and accurate statement in itself. The question posed is the …show more content…

But according to the sited source www.makinghomesaffordable.gov this particular government implemented program has helped 1.5 million families keep the dream of homeownership alive. “The Making Home Affordable Program is a critical part of the administration’s broad strategy to help homeowners avoid foreclosure and stabilize the nation’s housing market.” The Making Homes Affordable Program has an umbrella of retention options that benefit the consumer and they include: Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP), Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP), Second Lien Modification Program (2MP), Home Affordable Unemployment Program (UP), Home Affordable Foreclosure Alternatives Program (HAFA) and of course your internal mortgage programs which may include but not limit: in house loan modifications, short sale, deed-in-lieu, cash for keys, Apollo and

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