American Ethics Vs Western Culture

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Ethics is also known as moral philosophy as it helps humans deal with human morality and concepts such as good and bad, right and wrong and virtue and iniquity. Often ethics is confused with behaving in accordance with social conventions, religious beliefs and the law. Ethics should not be treated as a stand-alone concept as it may be defined as a set of concepts that guide us in determining what behaviour helps or harms. People from various cultures tend to have different sets of ethics which is more evident in groups of people from the Eastern culture as compared to people from the Western Culture. There are several differences between Eastern and Western culture. Western is about finding truth, emphasis on self, logic, cause and effect and what is rationally or logically true and focus on finding truth through law and justice. However, Eastern culture focuses on protocol, respect, basis on religious teachings, emphasis on respect towards family, takes a holistic and cultural approach. They also believe good and bad all exist in equilibrium and one must do what is considered right and expected of you by family, society and culture. Once this is maintained the universe will take care of the rest. …show more content…

Rationality and focus on the law is often practiced compared to religious thoughts and doing what is right. Nothing is left for the universe to take care of as you have to follow a set of rules and principles and account for your actions. The law has a major influence on the type of culture practiced at Sagicor as it is a company based in the financial industry and guided by regulatory bodies and strict guidelines. However there may be some incorporation of Eastern culture but to a limited extent such as religious beliefs, leading from behind and an open door

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