American Football In The 1920s

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Football was played in britain in the mid nineteenth century which a football(soccor ball) was kicked into a goal. American football drive from the English game of rugby, but american football was started in 1879.Walter Camp helped institute the rules on October 28th 1873 along with a number of representatives from Yale, Columbia, and Princeton .All the workers for these rules from each school had their own set of rules andn the games were played based on the home teams said overalls cant play football at Yale and help evolve the rules from rugby and soccer to more than american footballl as we know today meeting that took place on Octover 20, 1873. It was led by Walter ken. He and everyone else involved came up with the new rules …show more content…

- No foul causes loss of the ball, and no foul causes a live ball to become dead. - A “foul” is analogous to a crime, while the “penalty” is the punishment. Just as speeding results in a fine, a foul can result in a loss of yardage.the ball. The term force is used only in connection with the goal line and in only one direction, i.e., from the field of play into the end zone. 3. Forward progress is the end of advancement of the ball in a runner’s possession or the forward-most point of the ball when it is fumbled out of bounds toward the opponent’s goal and it determines the dead-ball spot. When an airborne player makes a catch, forward progress is the furthest point of advancement after he possesses the ball if contacted by a defender. 4. A foul is a rule infraction for which a penalty is prescribed. 5. A huddle is two or more players of the same team grouped together before a down. 6. The line to gain is the yard line established when a new series (first down) is awarded. Unless there is a penalty following the ready-for-play signal, the line to gain is 10 yards in advance of the foremost point of the ball when placed for the first down of the series. If the line to gain extends into the end zone, the goal line is the line to