
American Football Ladder Essay

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The new American halftime is a rough and emotional clash between two groups. This sport is called American Football. Football is a game were two teams compete to outscore the other. The three basic levels that football can be played at are high school, collegiate, and professional. A player must go through each of the levels consecutively to reach the next. Although, many players don’t succeed at moving on, each one of these three levels have myriad amounts of benefits that players can receive while playing the new American halftime. The first level of football that most players start with is high school. During this most are just learning the game and skill level varies greatly among players. Players at this level play against other schools to show their talent and for a chance to prove that their team and themselves are the best in the state. Players are burdened with the balance of family, school, and practices. This gives the student athletes a trial of the real life where the workload can become great. High school football can be an important step in each player’s life. It can create friendships and memories that can last a lifetime. Football, at this level, can also …show more content…

The skill gap is smaller because only the top athletes from high school can move on to play college ball. Most athletes have worked hard enough so they can get some if not all their schooling paid for in the form of scholarships. This can be beneficial to a student if he and his family cannot afford education past the twelfth grade. With the help of football an athlete might earn his degree and go farther in life than originally planned. When an athlete reaches the college level he still has many of the same burdens from high school, but now has his future in mind. A player must decide what to do next in their life. They can decide to get a degree and start their life or they can try to work hard enough to move on to the final

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