American Pale Ale Case Study

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To prepare 5 Gallons of an American Pale Ale (Partial Mash), follow the below given instructions carefully. Main Ingredients 8 pounds of Pale Liquid Malt Extract 1 pound of two-row pale malt 0.5 pounds of crystal malt 0.5 pounds of cara-pils malt 2.5 ounces of American Perle hops that contains about 6.5% alpha acid, for 75 minutes 0.75 ounces of Cascade hops that contains 5.4% alpha acid, for 15 minutes 0.5 ounces of Cascade hops that contains 5.4% alpha acid at the end boil 0.5 ounces dries Cascade hops to use during kegging 1 quarters of Wyeast 1056 Preparation Method Step #1 - In about 0.5 gallons of 150oF of water, soak crushed grains for an hour. Step #2 - When the water attains 170oF rinse it into a kettle. Step #3 - In order to increase