American Sign Language Application Essay

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As Juniors in High School, many students do not know what they want to do with their life. However, I have known what I want to do since the start of my Freshman year. I am a CODA, child of a deaf adult. My dad is deaf and was born deaf. My whole family on my father’s side is deaf, or to some degree,hard of hearing. I was taught sign language as a young child. American Sign Language (ASL) was the only way I could communicate with my father before I learned to read and write. It took time to learn every single word in ASL, but, when you live with a deaf person who cannot really lip read, I had to. I lived with my dad and mom in California until I was 8 years old. As a child, I remember that sometimes it was hard when I was to describe simple things like wanting something to eat, or, wanting to go to the park when my mother was not home. Some deaf people can read lips very well, but some can not. I was thankful that my father eventually learned to read lips pretty well. …show more content…

The early beginnings of American Sign Language began in the 1800's thanks to Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet. He founded the language while trying to help a friend, Alice Cogswell (Deaf Website,2013). Scientific breakthroughs have found ways for the deaf to hear, such as the cochlear implant. This device allows them to hear, but not all deaf people want it. For that reason, deaf people need to have interpreters who have an understanding of the deaf world and can help them explain how they feel. “Sign language is an integral form of communication in the deaf community. With sign language, deaf people who would have difficulty speaking and learning language like people who can hear are able to communicate as efficiently and seamlessly” (Deaf Website,2013). My whole life I have known some very popular interpreters from Sacramento, California. They helped me make the decision to be a translator for the deaf