America's Military Benefits

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America’s Military
Since the end of WWII in 1945, the United States of America has been the world’s greatest-superpower. What this means is that the U.S. has the supreme capability to project dominating power and influence-anywhere in the world. This can be credited to America’s immense military, that came about during the second world war. Faced with a war on two fronts, in the Pacific and Europe, America began to rebuild its military. Extensive recruiting took place for all four branches including the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines. Ever since this global conflict, investing in America’s national defense has been a priority among policy makers in Washington. The U.S. currently spends over 707 billion dollars a year on military expenses …show more content…

However, the U.S. Navy is an essential component in backing free trade globally. Much of the world’s commerce, including oil, is moved from country to country on large shipping freighters. If a small group of pirates or terrorist were to hijack, or destroy, only a handful of these vessels, the world economy could potentially crash due to the increased price of gasoline. This could have catastrophic consequences such as rioting, widespread panic, and tension between countries. The U.S. Navy is devoted to protecting international trade routes from such occurrences. Counter piracy teams are placed around the world to lend aid to
any nation’s vessels, including America’s enemies, that come under attack by pirates. This allows for the quick and easy transfer of goods allowing prices to remain low internationally. The U.S. is one of many nations that cooperate to ensure the safety of international trade, but no other nation safeguards a larger portion of the world’s waters than the U.S. Navy. This is because no other nation has the manpower or economic means to do so. If the U.S. military is downsized, the number of ships protecting free trade internationally would also be decreased. Increasing the vulnerability to pirate and terrorist attacks that could harm or kill innocent people. This outcome would be unacceptable to most. It is America’s …show more content…

It is a waste economically to uphold such a vast military when there is no true enemy to fight against. The money used to support and pay for these soldiers could be spent on other important tasks including job building, education, and medical care. This money could in turn, benefit thousands of needy people throughout the