America's Modern Workplace

2008 Words9 Pages

America’s modern workplace has been impacted by several changes. These changes have affected the worker in many ways. To understand the issues fully, the first part of this essay will explain various reasons how deregulation has allowed technology and work polices to transform the nature of work in America. It will also describe and explain what is the work life like for men and women for Americans today. The second part of this essay will discuss how the changing nature of work has started to affect families’ income and working hours that could cause poverty. Lastly, this essay will compare America to European countries family-work polices in terms of the treatment of workers and their balance of work and life at home.
The nature of work …show more content…

A woman work place is stereotypical nurturing and caring such as a nurse, teacher and counselor. Although a women’s first workplace is home, as the homemaker that cooks and cleans the house and take care of the children. Besides being the homemaker a women can have a job but is thought as the second shift. The second shift is a wife and mother that takes care of the housework and aside has a paying job that is at least 40 hours a week. This explains that women are able to balance the priority of the family at home and expectations from work. (Zhao, 2011, p. 725) Through the second shift has based most families on a duel income that has helped families have a more stable income but can be still affected when women today are getting paid less than men who are doing the exact job with the same experience. From a workplace to a household it shows women today in American does have differences from a man workplace and household …show more content…

The change of working hours has brought in the inequality and poverty rates even higher had the average U.S. worker not increased his or working hours” (Hytrek & Zentgraf, 2008, p.121). Concluding that most workers are working several jobs at a time due to the recent decrease of on wages and employment. (Hytrek & Zentgraf, 2008, p. 121) In result, there is more new poor working poor who are people that can’t get out of poverty or are people that are literally surviving a paycheck they receive. From the data to the actual affects it shows that the nature of work has not only families income but also the working hours for