Amitai Etzioni's Analysis

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Some people believe students should not work in fast-food chain because they can get distracted by working and the job may not provide them with skilled-based opportunities. In his essay, Amitai Etzioni, points out the bad influence fast-food chains, such as MacDonald’s, have on the students they employ. He thinks that working in fast-food chains can contribute to academic problems. The debate over whether or not students should work during school especially in fast food chain is currently a very controversial topic. I personally support Amitai Etzioni’s idea that working in fast food chains can negatively impact students’ academic careers. First, I totally support Etzioni’s idea that education is very important and that students should concentrate on their students because working can undermine school attendance and involvement. Etzioni made a very strong and convincing point that working in McDonald 's is not good. Etzioni refers to "The Founding Fathers" in paragraph 3 as the advantages of working in McDonald’s that they can instill work ethics such as drive and self-reliance to students but these jobs can also undermine school attendance and involvement. Yes, I totally agree that working will consume a lot of time that students need for their studies. My …show more content…

Etzioni’s essay reminds me of the time I was working as a server at a restaurant while during in high school. I used to work as a server for a Hawaiian Restaurant ten hours a week when I was in high school. In order to be able to work, I have to study hard at school, otherwise I will lose my working permit because students in Vietnam have to maintain good grades to maintain their working status. So working part time while in high school motivated me to keep up my school work, to get good grades also work hard to earn money so I can buy things I needed. On the other hand, I got overloaded due to the fact that I spent more time on working than studying and as a result, I got lower grades and a lot of