Career Development Theories

1819 Words8 Pages

Career Development

Student Name: Marwa Al-Ali
Student ID number:
Professor Name:

Table of Contents
Introduction 2
Why This Report 3
Career Development Theories 3
Social Cognitive Career Theory SCCT 3
Self-Efficacy 4
Outcome Expectations 4
Personal Goals 4
Holland’s Theory 5
Donald Super’s Theory 9
Life Space 10
Life Span 11
Why These Theories 12
Part2: Career Interventions 13
Part3: Career Development Strategies in local contexts 15
Part4 Career Planning Practices 18
Part 5 Self – Analysis 19
Part 6: Personal Goals and Career Path 9

Career Development is the long lasting process of overseeing learning, work, relaxation, and moves keeping in mind the end goal to move toward a and by decided and advancing …show more content…

And as per (Angelo J. Rivera) that the development of Career specified usually by:
1. The personal experience within a certain field of interest (with a career,a job, or a task specific skills as by-product)
2. Success at each stage of development,
3. Educational Gained within each stage,
4. Communications
5. Understanding of career development.

“... the lifelong psychological and behavioral processes as well as contextual influences shaping one’s career over the life span. As such, career development involves the person’s creation of a career pattern, decision-making style, integration of life roles, values expression, and life-role self-concepts."

Why This Report:
This report can be used as guidelines by any student at the entry level to understand the personal interests and have a clear future vision of what career path he/she would like to be at.
Also, the best practices provided in this report can be used by any individual within any stage of the career development as well as the HR …show more content…

Part 2:Career Interventions
Career interventions the activities to enhance the person’s career development by helping the person utilize the career decisions.
Performance Development is the process enables each staff person to understand their true value added to the organization.
Personal Developmental Goals
In the process, staff members also set personal developmental goals that will increase their ability to contribute to the success of your organization. The accomplishment of these goals also provides a foundation for their career success whether in your organization or elsewhere, so they ought to be motivated and excited about achieving these goals.

More about Career Development Theories