An Analysis Of 'Just Lather, That's All'

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Question One - Not killing (Pros and Cons)

He believes that murder is wrong because he identifies as a “revolutionary” and in his opinion, this is quite different from being a murderer. “I am a revolutionary, not a murder”

The barber realizes that murdering Captain Torres will create more problems than it would solve.

The barber, when making the decision, asks himself “What do you gain from it?” he answered “nothing”. So, the barber would not gain anything from killing him.

He would not have to worry about the army hunting him down after killing the Captain.

Question One – Part two - Killing
The barber describes himself as being “conscientious” and this means, that he can never spill a drop of his client’s blood. Killing Torres would damage his reputation of “the best barber in town” and also his respectability. He would not be honoring his profession.

The barber’s colleagues might consider him a hero because he killed the captain who was executing the rebels.

Not only would he be called a murderer, but he would feel guilty his …show more content…

The barber also has his pride and life to consider. The story is written from the perspective of a barber who is secretly part of a rebellion against the government. The barber has a very crucial decision to make whether or not to kill Captain Torres who has executed many of his fellow rebel’s, or, to not kill him. The barber named “The Best in Town” is extremely precise, his code as a barber is to never spill one drop of his customer's blood. If he does not kill Torres while he is here, however, the captain might spill even more rebel blood. At the end of the story, the barber gives Torres a clean shave and manages to keep his identity of being a rebel hidden, only to come to discover that Captain Torres has a secret of his own that he was