An Argumentative Essay About Phobias

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The word phobia has been used since sometime around the 1780’s and has recently become a word that people use instead of fear, because many people don't know the difference. Because people misuse the word so often it has become a very popular word. There are many phobias, even a phobia of nothing, as strange as that may seem it's not even the strangest phobia there is. If you can think of something, there is more than likely a phobia of it. While it is possible to fear absolutely anything there is an argument over whether or not there is a phobia of everything, and this is because of what a phobia is defined as, an irrational fear of something that you avoid at all costs, making a severe negative impact on you social life. Many people don’t know the definition, and self-diagnose themselves as a phobic, when in fact they really don’t have a phobia, just a really strong fear. One phobia that people like to self-diagnose themselves with is a phobia called trypophobia. …show more content…

Because of the definition of a phobia it would be extremely hard to even attempt to avoid but people can have trypophobia. This phobia is common because of some of the symptoms of trypophobia, “which vary person to person, some people report feeling like their skin is ‘crawling’ while others report feeling itchy or physically sick.” (Jacob Olsen,Fear of Holes Phobia – Trypophobia, People are currently researching causes for trypophobia, and currently there are three different theories. Scientists believe that this phobia was developed via evolution, and the brain associates holes with danger because of dangerous animals that live