Shrodinger's Cat Research Paper

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To perceive yourself to be in a safe place and know that you are heading into an unknown direction can be frightening. Even if you know that this new and unknown direction can lead to something good, you still feel nervous, unsettled, fearful of this unknown. An unknown is by definition something you do not know, it can be anything, it is a Schrodinger’s Cat. Will it be good? Will it be bad? You really cannot know until you are there, inhabiting that unknown space that you have only until this point been able to view as something far off in the distance.

The unknown waits for all of us, because we cannot plan every aspect of our life into the minutest detail…that is impossible. They invented Murphy’s Law for a reason, as an extreme version …show more content…

We might do what we can to make sure everything goes as smoothly as possible, we might fuel up our car, make sure it’s been serviced, that the oil has been changed and that we have accurate road directions to follow all the way to our destination. And in case of emergency we can have phone numbers to call, to the AAA or others who can provide roadside assistance to a stranded vehicle, a friend to help us with advice or accommodation or in extreme emergencies, there’s the number to emergency services. But we cannot affect those around us, if we find ourselves stuck behind a slow driver, if the weather is bad or if there has been an accident further ahead that causes severe delays on the road we must accept this and travel …show more content…

There are those so fearful of this unknown that they avoid any large-scale change in their lives, no matter how bad this normal, standard mode of living is. If you are aware that unemployment rates are high and that your list of merits and accomplishments in life aren’t as great as they could be, naturally you would rather cling to a bad job, than face that scary unknown by quitting and trying to find a better job. If you even can.

If you are in a relationship with someone that isn’t all that great, but feel fearful of what it would be like to live on your own, this very unknown might scare you into keeping up a relationship that’s not doing you any good. When you have lived all of your adult life in the company of someone else, a solitary existence can be too much to bear.

Fear is something we all have programmed into our genes; it is nature installing a “caution” button inside us, because sometimes the unknown in nature really was extremely dangerous to us. Unknown might mean for example…eating a poisonous berry, it might mean getting lost from your tribe and it might mean entering a dangerous place that could kill you. There was a real point to fearing the unknown back then, it prolonged your life so that you might grow up strong, have your own family, spread your genes and keep your tribe

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