Similarities Between The Pit And The Pendulum

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In this Reflexive Essay I will be comparing some real life experiences with some scenes of the book “The Pit and the Pendulum” by Edgar Allan Poe. The book is about a men being tortured in a dungeon located in Toledo during the Spanish Inquisition. My experiences have not being near so bad as the ones this men has had but I can relate the more subtle experiences that we both had. It is important to analyze this as it is crucial to identify your fears and with the help of others you can overtake those fears that maybe prevent you from doing certain things. Also by overcoming your fear you can help other overcome the same fear you had. If I am going to talk about fear first we need to know exactly what is fear. Fear is one of the most basic human emotions.Fear helps protect us. It makes us alert to danger and prepares us to deal with it. I am fear of a lot of things as most human are. My biggest fears are clowns, deep waters, being alone in a placed where I don't have the control, and torture. I also don't like being close to dangerous animals like sharks, bees, tigers, snakes, and spiders. In the Pit and the Pendulum the main character had to face his fears and we could saw his emotions and how the state he was in affected how he handle the situations. In a segment of the book the protagonist gets swarmed by rats and the men obviously got very scared even though the rats did not attack him. …show more content…

In my summer camp 2 years ago me and my 5 roommates was sleeping in a cabin near the woods. It was 5 in the morning and some weird sound woke me up. I saw a little spider on the wall next to me so I jump out of my bed as fast as a cheetah. I then proceeded to silently grab the spider with a napkin and throw it away in the trashcan. When I came back my bed was full little spiders except for one big spider which seemed to have laid eggs under my bed. Scared and sleepy I woke up my monitor and show him the

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