An Ego-Driven World Analysis

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An ego based driven world.

I, I, I, I, I,

"I" hear this enough. There is no "I."

Only the "I" you think of.

Each other individual has this own "I" they posses of you.

In a way, it matters what you think of yourself. I'm not saying this is an unsecured way.

To live life and not even live your life than to die and all, in the end, no one ever really lived even when they did live. So, in the end, everyone has never been alive. Just "here."

This life is more of a dream than a dream is even a dream.

All being much of a paradox in the end.

We live life to live life, but in the end very few ever "live."

You keep learning more facts. Skill wise those things we never learn. You stop learning soon after the age of 4-5. Then it's all nothing but the same. …show more content…

We're equal including the animals. Nothing separates us besides souls.

Morals and characters.

Karma will come back to you at the weirdest times. You'll have to take it and create it into a positive outlook.

If not, you'll attract even more negative things upon more negative experiences.

Whenever I'm having a bad day. I always try to turn the negative into the positive. I'm improving at this daily.

The universe is not that easy. It likes to play games. The way you create each moment is what consumes your mind. Each moment is the same in the end. It's just the way you react. Similar to the analogy I explained before.

Through reaction, your life will be created. Each experience will create the next step in your life.

Have the step be an intelligent step. Do your best to create the moment a positive moment.

If not it's okay. We all let loose once in a while. Just don't let your mind get carried away. Be safe in what you do each moment.

The mind is very powerful. Be careful with what you think and tell yourself. It will manifest in a percentage of some sort.

Fantasy or realistic it will somehow be presented within your