An Essay About An Ideal Teacher

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Success is a journey, not a destination. Looking back at my previous years as a young student has led me to contemplate on the lessons it has taught me and how it has impacted on my development. I always liked going to school and the learning process was enjoyable. Despite my numerous positive memories, one encounter with a specific teacher has resided with me for the past seven years. This incident occurred during my last days in Standard five during preparation for the Secondary Entrance Assessment (SEA) Examination. My teacher was strict, stern and always serious. I always considered myself a smart, resilient student who always worked to develop my fullest potential. On this particular occasion, I vividly recall being summoned …show more content…

I am of the opinion that my Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examinations (CAPE) Communication Studies teacher fits the description of an ideal teacher. Miss Communication Studies was a very passionate and dedicated person. I particularly admired her level of expertise in her field and her punctuality. Her brave, strong character was overwhelming, yet she always wore a smile on her face, revealing her pleasant nature. Apart from her scheduled classroom teaching time, she always kept her students' best interest at heart, by conducting lunch time classes and focused on individual-based assistance, exposing her nurturing, diligent and cooperative attributes. I was a shy, quiet and reserved person who was provoked and harassed, but I managed to remain forbearing and patient. After becoming acquainted with Miss Communication Studies, I confided my problems in her and she confronted the situation. She defended me and would keep an eye out for me, while empowering me to be brave and keep focused on my studies. In essence, I believe that her approachable and understanding character were essential in keeping me focused, and is responsible for my academic achievement and my personal