Essay On The Mediterranean Diet

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The Mediterranean diet is called the queen of the diets, the DASH and TLS diets are based on lowering of the saturated fat, and the Mayo Clinic diet promotes the dietary changes.
The Mediterranean, the Dash, the Mayo Clinic and the TLC diets have proved to be the ones accompanying the postulate of proper nutrition through the years, they are not overly restrictive and every expert will recommend them as a sansible way to lose weight.

The Mediterranean diet

The Mediterranean diet is one of the healthiest forms of nourishment, which, besides affecting the preservation of health, it also helps to have a healthy and effective loss of excess weight.
The Mediterranean diet is rich with fresh, seasonal vegetables and fruits, which, according to …show more content…

Its foundation is the pyramidof propper nutrition, with emphasis on the type of food and not on the quantity. In the base of the pyramid are the fruits and vegetables which should be eaten in large quantities. Next are the whole grains, which are preferable for 4 to 8 servings per day. As a protein source this diet recommends lean meat, fish and diary products in an amount of 3 to 7 servings per day. In the top of the pyramid there are presented in lower amount the fats and the sweets.

TLC diet

The TLC diet is at the top of the best diets because of its favorable effect on heart haelth and blood vessels, the effectiveness of weight loss, and its not complicated to implement. It is created by the US National Institutes of Health, which recommends that the intake of saturated fat should be less than 7 percent of the total energy intake and fat contend of between 25 and 35 percent of the total energy intake.
The intake of Sodium should not exceed 2400 mg daily. However, starving is not recommended, but you should consume an adequate amount of energy in calories for maintenance of ideal body weight and cholesterol