Analyse The Concept Of A Discourse Community John Swales

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Any group of individuals who share a common goal, and who communicate distinctly in efforts to achieve their goal can be referred to as a discourse community. There are certain features that distinguish a discourse community from any other society. In the article, The Concept of a Discourse Community, John Swales identifies a discourse community by six different characteristics that not only describe a discourse community; he also illustrates the process of joining that specific community. In the article Identity, Authority, and Learning to Write in New Work Places, Elizabeth Wardle discusses the engagement process of newcomers into a discourse community. According to Patricia Bizzell, the term discourse community suggests “a community bound …show more content…

According to Bizzell, “a discourse community is a group of people who share certain language-using practices. These practices can be seen as conventionalized in two ways. Stylistic conventions can regulate social interactions both within the group and in its dealings with outsiders” (Bizzell 223). This refers to certain terms, or lexis’s, that are partial to that community, as well as terms that the general public can understand, however, it can be traced back to that specific community. Swales suggests that “most commonly, however, the inbuilt dynamic towards an increasingly shared and specialized terminology is realized through the development of community-specific abbreviations and acronyms” (Swales …show more content…

Many people join this community with a personal goal of financial success. Vestal has been an active member of the business discourse community for nearly 29 years and explains, “I chose this profession because it was diverse and lucrative” (Vestal). This community provides room for personal growth and further financial success accompanied by career advancement. This community exists “because it is how money goes around and how products and services move from one person to another” (Vestal). Therefore, the main goal of this community is to circulate money throughout the field and generate profit. Members of this discourse community work to achieve an overall goal while simultaneously fulfilling their own personal