Analyse The Importance Of Literacy Essay

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England have the lowest levels for literacy and the second lowest for numeracy. In England we have more low-skilled level people than those from countries such as Korea and Singapore. This is why it is important to find a way to implement more literacy into children’s learning. (Hardman, I. 2016)

There are a variety of different types of literacy that have been brought into place to help children to see the importance of literacy but also to help practitioners to implement it more in a child’s everyday routine, some of these are; time to talk and chatter matters. Time to talk is a program that is used in most early years settings, it is mainly aimed at children who are struggling with communication and language but also social skills, it is used with children aged between 4-6. It …show more content…

It is based on the importance of early intervention to help support children so they are able to gain the basic skills that they will need later on in life. These are the two most used programs to help support children’s communication, language and literacy. ( Wordpress. n.d.) Children may struggle with speech and language for many reasons one of them could be based on the child’s attachments with their parents/ carers, if a child does not have a strong attachment they will find it difficult to move up the levels according to the attachment triangle (see appendix 8) the stages are attachment, attention and listening, understanding, speech sounds and talking. If the child does not form an attachment they will not move up to the next stage of the triangle, meaning that their speech and language could then be affected one of the causes being speech and language delay. However, this can also happen in other cases,. For example, if a child is at the top of the triangle but then becomes part of an abuse case the child may lose all speech and language causing them to start again from the bottom of the