Feminist Critique Of International Human Rights

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This journal is talking about the Cultural Relativist and Feminist critiques, where the critiques are similar on International Human Rights. The writer suggested short description of the criticism. According to the writer the critique made by the cultural relativist about international human right is that they reject the understanding that human right is universal by just being a human being or by virtue of being human and whose substance form and interpretation are not subject to variations in culture (Donnelly 1989: 109-110) . Where the Feminist critique says, in reality the one who has more power to human right is man and they said that the gender equality and discrimination against woman is not a priority in International world. This …show more content…

Both feminist and relativist critiques highlighted the claim that the human rights are universal (Bunting 1993; Kandi- yoti 1995:19; and An-Na 'im 1994:171-2) . The feminist focusing on the practice of the human right universality rather than the theory, but the relativist is otherwise they focusing on both theory and …show more content…

The writer has his own approach to these groups by using the cooperative approach such as work along each other and not against each other, take it serious on the critiques about human rights although he thinks that this project is naive but it is pragmatic and strategic to him. The writer mentioned two things, substantive and strategic approach. The writer suggested that relativist and feminist should respect each other because they have same targets in international community. The writer also admitted that in his journal he ignored several differences between feminist and relativist but the differences that has been mentioned before can be considered within the framework of cooperative approach. The writer thanked about the relativist should seek endorsement of their policies by woman. It is stated in Beijing document on paragraph 9, it suggested a degree of compromise was reached between relativism and universality of woman rights. It is hard to make woman of culture without put aside priority of one gender or culture but relativist should really work together by checking each of their perspectives on essentialism and make sure there is no hidden purposes that is not related to gender equality or disrespect diversity of