
Analysis Of Manoush's Speech At Ted Talk

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Being on your phone too much takes away from your boredom and your own creative thoughts. In the month of April 2017, Manoush Zomorodi gave a speech at Ted Talks about how boredom can actually be good for you. Her purpose was to explain to people how being bored leads to great things. She also wants to explain to people that being on your phone affects your boredom, which is not good. Manoushs primary audience was toward middle age people that could not keep their phones away from them. The theme of the talk was serious but also relatable and funny. Manoush hosted a “challenge week”, where people would attempt to be away from their phones longer for an entire week. 20,000 people entered and the results were outstanding. 90% of the people cut …show more content…

I know her speech has worked because it had an affect on me as well. I try not to pick up my phone as much. I try to distract myself from other things because I know that being on your phone all the time is not good for you. Manoush uses excellent facts that contribute to the points she is trying to get across. By using these facts it makes the speech more reliable. Manoush also relates to the people. She talks about her daily life before phones and after phones. She states, “Now all the cracks in my day were filled with phone time. I checked the headlines while I waited for my latte. I updated my calendar while I was sitting on the couch. Texting turned every spare moment into a chance to show to my coworkers and my dear husband what a responsive person I was, or at least it was a chance to find another perfect couch for my page on Pinterest. I realized that I was never bored.” ( 1 ). By explaining this, people are able to relate to her and get the same feeling that she had felt. They are able to understand where she is coming from. The way Manoush uses ethos is very well executed as well. She describes how much better people felt after they stopped using their phones as much. This makes people want to have the same feeling. This makes people want to be happier and be able to think and relax just like others. Manoush also wrote a book that came out in 2017. The book is almost identical to the speech she gave at Ted Talks, the only thing is she added a couple more things into it. Manoush speech has been very effective and will continue to be have an impact on people’s lives. Soon more and more people will realize that being on your phone for such a long period of time is not helping anyone and they will realize that being on your phone too much takes away from your boredom and your own creative

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