Analysis Of Mental Illness And Depression In Hamlet By William Shakespeare

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Mental Illness and Depression “Madness was a curiosity for Shakespeare (madness, pg 1, Will Tosh).” What majority of people didn't know about him is that he suffered from age-related dementia. William Shakespeare had depict mental illness and depression into his sonnets and plays. He did this to mentally disclose the reader and share a connection from his disease. Shakespeare wanted to make aware of mental illness and depression because it is a real and serious thing. What is Mental Illness and depression? According to the most recent research, mental illness is a disease that causes mild to severe disturbance in thought or behavior. “Depression is more than just feeling sad or going through a rough patch. It’s a serious mental health condition that requires understanding, treatment and a good recovery plan. (Dep, pg 1)”. Treatment options depend on the level of care you need to receive. Alone in the U.S, there are more than 200 types of mental illnesses. 5.4 million adults in 1990 sought mental treatment, less than 7% required hospitalization. Hospitals and therapies are always available for people suffering mental illness or …show more content…

All women are moody and most say “i'm so bipolar,” when they have a mood swing. This isn't fair to people who actually suffer from a bipolar disorder. People who suffer from mental disorders experience a severe depressed mood, disturbed sleep, and very poor concentration. And many of those people with an actual illness are medicated for it. These people have loss of appetite, loss of energy, physical pain, tiredness, and self harm. Mental illnesses and depression can affect anyone. “For some people, antidepressants can help reduce or control symptoms. Antidepressants often take 2-4 weeks to begin having an effect and up to 12 weeks to reach their full effect (treatment link, For,