
Analysis Of The Biased Mind By Jerome Boateng

422 Words2 Pages

Saif Chohan
Weekly Assignment on Psychology.
Psychology is the study of the human mind and the human behavior when dealing with various circumstances. It is a scientific discipline established to study various aspects of the human mind and how to counter them.
The professional practitioner of psychology is called a psychologist and can be classified as a behavioural, social or cognitive psychologist. Psychological researches and knowledge are used in treating many mental disabilities.
I conducted my research on Psychology in a book I found from the NYIT library website. The name if the book is “The Biased Mind: how evolution shaped our psychology including anecdotes and tips for making sound decisions”
The author of this book is Jerome Boateng. Jerome uses data from academic literature and original research that is very accessible. The books accurately highlight the struggles a person has to go through while he is being bombarded with a lot of choices in one's life. The research of the author ha found surprising results In the book. The author asks a lot of silly but meaningful questions in the book like, “Why is an upside-down red triangle such a powerful warning sign on the road? What is the best kind of alibi? What makes the number 7 so special? Why is it better to whisper words of love into the left ear? Will that recent marriage last? Why is it that the French eat snails but not slugs?”. …show more content…

Example .
I found my example of the use of Psychology from an article in the New York Times. The name of the article is “Giving Directions? Start With a Landmark”.
This article is associated with the psychological tendency of humans to decode the directional signs and how to improve their effectiveness through the use of

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