Analysis Of The Poem Night By Billy Collins

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Getting angry at the sun for awakening someone seems to be an obvious understanding to just about everyone. Not everyone enjoys the light coming through in the morning particularly because it means it is time for the adults to go to work, the children to go to school, or in this case, the end of a great night with a lover. The speaker of the poem is annoyed that the sun is peaking in the room through the window and through the curtains at the both of them. He is annoyed at this because it signified the end of the lovers’ night together. However, as each stanza continues, he starts to appreciate how the sun brings light to all the passions that are important to him. The speaker uses the word “chide” to express his disgusted feeling towards the sun rising up. He wonders as …show more content…

The bedroom represents his world and the only world that matters. It is interesting to think about it in his perspective, because the way he sees things is the exact same way most people see things. It is also interesting to think more about the inner dynamics of the speaker and the sun. In the start the audience understands he has a great deal of animosity towards the sun, however by the end, the audience draws the conclusion that he secretly admires the sun. For he complains the sun is an annoying old man who woke him from his great night. As the poem continues through the next two stanzas, we obtain the feeling he actually appreciates the sun’s warmth and light. The sun rises just for him as far as he is concerned, so he can admire his lover’s beauty. For he tells the sun that it can warm and light his small world, at the end of the poem. He is showing us that every individual only sees the world through their life and experiences and that anything outside of what they are experiencing seems