
Analysis Of The School Children By Louis Cluck

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When asked to write a page comparing my life event to a poem I didn 't know where to start. First off there were so many poems to choose from, how could I pick just one. Till I came across one called, The School Children by Louis Cluck. This poem contains imagery and phrasing to show the disconnection of the children to both their mothers and their teachers. This poem jumped out at me because it reminds me of when I first began teaching. "The children go forward with their little satchels," (Gluck Louise p.530). This line brought an image to my mind of when the students were walking into my class for the first time. I was so nervous, seeing how I 've never taught before. They were so innocent but yet businesslike. Now to a regular person they probably wouldn 't take too much thought into the line, but to a teacher this is how things normally look to a teacher. "The teachers wait behind great desks as they do the students ' work" (Gluck Louise p.530). While I continued to read the poem, this line stood out to me brought the thought to my mind of how everywhere you go in a school you see a teacher children and other staff members sitting behind a desk. Which is a bit ironic, especially on my first day of teaching, where I was the one sitting behind a desk watching my students complete the work that I had assigned to them. Come to think of it what 's even more ironic than me assigning the work and waiting, now is I 'm the one sitting behind a desk completing my work that
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