The Ignorance Of Native Existence Thomas King Analysis

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The Ignorance of Native Existence
Thomas King questions the attitude of society and advocates the rights of indigenous people. King compels his readers to wonder how the indigenous people came to be in the state we see them, in the story. This was due to the conflict between white individuals and indigenous people and how the two cultures clash; industrialization and the natural world. The purpose of this text is to remind people about the harsh treatment indigenous people have received in the past. There is an imbalance of power between the two societies. King uses multiple metaphors and stereotypes to describe the thoughts of white individuals; use of animals in the text were portraying the natives as uneducated and dumb. Aboriginals are …show more content…

Natives don’t have their own individual identities. Indigenous people have lost respect and reputation because of the western population. “What can I do to help? Not much that anyone can do, says Bill” (King 64). In this quote, Bob asks if there 's anything that can be done about this, Bill said that there is nothing that would alter the situations. This means all the misconceptions and discrimination that the western population have portrayed towards the Natives cannot be changed. The society thinks that it is outside limits to make a difference, so no one bothers. This shows that indigenous people are not cared for. Whether indigenous people existed or not, there would be no impact of them in the society. “The live ones we tag, says Bill” (King 64). The indigenous people have been treated as animals. It has destroyed and degraded indigenous people’s reputation and religion. This was the death of the indigenous culture. “Bob walks back to the King Eddy and shakes the doorman’s hand. I saw the Indians, he say. Thought you’d enjoy that sir, says the doorman” (King 64). In the start of the text, Bob was looking for entertainment like woman. When he started to walk down Bay Street, he saw Indians. He received entertainment in the birds, which represent the indigenous people. This shows that Bob has no respect for the natives. Canadians have forgotten …show more content…

Bob was walking down Bay Street and noticed all these wonderful developments. “He loves the smell of concrete. He loves the look of city lights. He loves the sound of skyscrapers.” (King 62) The look of city lights is used with allusion to the attraction that a city holds. This quote explains the developments made on the land to make the city appealing. Before the construction of big buildings there was wildlife that sprawled the city. Since the natives believed that living things hold importance in the world, their beliefs have been pushed aside as the western population took down the wildlife and constructed over it. “Looking for some excitement? Yes. Bay Street, sir, says the doorman.” (King 62) This quote describes the excitement in city life. Bay Street is the center of Toronto’s Financial District. Toronto is a place known for excitement and fun. This quote differentiates between the city life and natural life. Toronto is a place where modernization has taken place; this is devaluing the aboriginal way of life in believing that everything in nature has a