Analysis Of Variance (ANOVA)

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Fundamental of Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) According to explanations above about testing of the model, Sterman (2000) presents that the model should be tested in 7. Step using statistical method in order to know the behaviour reproduction of the model. The purpose of that step is to know how the model can reproduce the behaviour of interest in the system. There are many statistical methods can be used for testing the model. In this paper the statistical model used is analysis of variance (ANOVA). Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) is a commonly statistical method that are often used in order to analyze the result of the model related to real world system. According to Burke (2001), Analysis of variance ( ANOVA) is used to compare and analyze …show more content…

Burke (2001) mentions how to choose the two types of ANOVA methods under different circumstances. One-way ANOVA can be used if there is only one factor being considered, while two-way ANOVA with or without replication is used if there are two factors being considered. Moreover, Burke (2001) also mentions several advantages of one-way ANOVA and two-way ANOVA such as ANOVA has few measurements to analyze significant effects and ANOVA is a powerful tool for decision making if there is statistically significant difference between the …show more content…

To make an appropriate analysis of the behaviour of the port terminal operation, the manager of the port terminal has decided to built a simulation model based on system dynamic model to know the interaction process of each component in port terminal to analyze the current and the future behaviour of his port terminal operation. Generally, the port terminal of XYZ company has the same operation processes with the other ports. First, fully loaded vessels will be approaching to the port terminal. With helping tug boats, the fully loaded vessel will be moored to the available berths in the port terminal. Mooring time of one vessel is depending on the productivity of tug boat. After the vessel berthed securely, the available crane on berth is starting to discharge the freight of the vessel. The time to discharge the freight of the vessels depends on the productivity of crane. In material handling of dry bulk port terminal, the freight of the vessel can be unloaded by grab and then can be loaded directly into trucks or onto a

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