Analysis: The Walking Dead And World Culture

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Zachary Turcotte The Walking Dead and World Culture December 4, 2017 Season 2, Episode 4 It’s the morning after Carl’s surgery, he’s resting comfortably. Let me remind you, that this young man has just been shot in the chest by Otis. He had surgery, prior to that he had been fighting for his life for days following Shane’s “heroics” that brought the medicine that was crucial for his survival. He wakes up briefly, and asks whether Sophia is alright. Not wanting to cause further distress to Carl, Rick tells him that Sophia is fine. This is where an ethical dilemma comes into play. Lying to your children, and when it is okay to do so. Children do not have a fully developed brain, they are just sponges soaking up tons of knowledge each day. So …show more content…

What are humans, why are we here, and what is our purpose in life? What are your goals for life? When you make decisions about using time, it’s the stuff life is made of, what are your values and priorities? The answers to those questions for the most part, shape your world view. A person’s world view if affected by many factors. By their inherited characteristics, background experiences and life situations (maybe seeing dead people walking again can reshape some world views of yours), the value, attitudes, and the habits they have developed, and more. These vary from one person to another. Imagine already going through half of your life, learning all these morals, developing a world view. Now imagine all that going out the window, because now you are essentially on a new planet. Now instead of a worldview it is now more of a Zombie Apocalyptic …show more content…

A worldview reflects personality and behavioral patterns. In this situation, there most certainly is cultural influence. What Shane did to Otis, people are going to find out, okay, people did find out, and it changed their views on Shane as a person. Things like this have happened before, and after. Let’s fast forward to when Shane actually dies. Rick kills Shane in front of Carl. Shane comes back as a zombie, and stumbles towards Rick. Little does Rick know, Carl has caught on to the new ways of life, and puts down Shane, again. So when people hear of what Shane has done to Otis, they could view it in a number of ways, but each way will influence their