Analyzing Dr. Seuss 'Book I Can Read With My Eyes Shut'

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Transformative Learning Acclaimed author Dr. Seuss wrote in his book I Can Read with My Eyes Shut!, “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” This quote exemplifies my experience with the Learning and Transformation class this quarter. We explored many different topics, methods, and processes of learning. Much of the information shared over the course of our class was new to me. However, this new information really impacted me. As I read about these new things, I learned new things. With these new learned ideas, I am very excited to see how many more places I will go. The two concepts that resonated with me most were the ideas and practice of meditation, and the concept of …show more content…

This class, though, also introduced me to how meditation can be used in learning. Over the quarter, we learned much about meditation and various methods that can be used. We studied and attempted Shamatha, Vipassana, Zazen, Tonglen, and Healing Meditation. For me, Zazen was the most useful technique of the 5. I enjoyed the similarities and differences of them all, but Zazen is the method I have gone back to and will likely continue to explore. In Quiet Mind, Edward Espe Brown, a Soto Zen Buddhist priest, presents the quote that sums up my experience with Zazen mediation, “When you can just sit, having the experience you have, whatever it is, without comparing it to what it should be, you will have true ease” (Piver, 47). I have always been an easily distracted, judgmental, and analytical person. These traits do not a good meditator make! Much of the feedback I received on my reflection was to not classify the sessions as good or bad, better or worse. It was a very tricky thing for me. But, it has been immensely helpful. Train rides or walks across campus used to be time to catch up on email, read the latest headlines, or contact friends. Now, I allow myself to just be present. I take in the rhythm of the train, the chirping of the birds, and it relaxes me. Meditation has become a very important part of my day, as I start the day with a brief session and take a midday coffee meditation to reset my brain and body in times of stress. I think the amazing mental and physical benefits I felt early on in the class, lead me to be able to trust and try the methods as we continued on. I was able to let go of seeking perfection, or wanting to only try one method all quarter until I was able to be “good” at it. My body and mind was more open than it has been in quite some

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