Analyzing My Consumer Behavior

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Over a span of three consecutive weeks I have documented my personal purchases to analyze my consumer behavior. Consumer behavior is a process, and a significant component of the series of actions within the process is when the exchange occurs. The exchange ensues when a marketer gives an item as the consumer presents something of value such as money. As a consumer, I am an individual that establishes a need or a desire for a particular product which contributes to a purchase eventually being made. Finally, after obtaining the item for an extended period of time it is then put to use and later disposed of. I am a nineteen-year-old college student, and has a great impact on the various types of purchases I make and how frequently I spend money. …show more content…

However, a negative way to describe a shopper is a compulsive shopper. These individuals shop excessively to deal with feelings that include stress, depression, boredom and anxiety. However, I am not a compulsive shopper because all purchases I make are done by choice. In some instances, I do regret the purchases that I make. Usually this regret is due to the excessive amount of money that I spend on fast food weekly. The reason for these purchases are because of perceptual vigilance, which is the idea that it is more common to be conscious of stimuli that pertain to our current needs. Therefore, I make food purchases on impulse. If I am only somewhat hungry, and then see fast food advertisement, I will usually purchase fast food. However, when it comes to clothing items or anything else I usually spend smartly and consciously. Marketing and advertising did impact the spending choices that I made. I am considered a digital native, which means that the existence of digital technology has persisted throughout my lifetime. This is significant because I use social media and the internet, so the advertising technique called real-time bidding is extremely useful. Real-time bidding is when web pages sell space for various advertisements, and they are presented immediately as an individual enters a particular