Have you heard about some weird billionaires like Bill Gates? Gates is not only famous for his identity of billionaire but also well known for his asceticism. Applying to Pablo Picasso’s words, “I’d like to live as a poor man with lots of money” (515). Live as a rich man but think as a poor man. Living with lots of money does not necessarily restrict humans’ thoughts, if people can adjust themselves well in mental level. Sufficient income can guarantee what people need, but living poorly can not only satisfy people’s basic demand but also lead to personal elevation. People who own enough properties can provide themselves enough necessities and better pursue mental goals by living austerely. In “On Dumpster Diving,” Lars Eighner narrates his …show more content…
People who own abundant properties still have lofty goals, like Lars Eighner, a man with sufficient income but still enjoying dumpster diving. His goal is to obtain pure and simple happiness through this interest. He even defines dumpster diving as “[an] outdoor work, often surprisingly pleasant” (“On Dumpster Diving” 421-430). Eighner can own many things in his middle-class life, but his mind is not propelled by those materials to want more. Instead, he discovers the simple but meaningful treasure hunting activity to enrich his life, which not only enables him to obtain basic necessities like clothes and food, but also elevates him to a higher mental state of caring little of money. Moreover, like what is mentioned above, Phyllis Rose, who has the ability to consume but only enjoys the shopping process, suggests that “shopping is a time of reflection, assessment, spiritual self-discipline” (“Shopping and Other Spiritual Adventures in America Today” 482-484). Additionally, she can gain social connections while shopping. When she sees some fat people dressing jeans as what she looks like, she will gain a sense of belongings, and automatically, she joins a “community.” She can be materialist, but she never is. She sticks to higher goals of immersing herself in the mentally joyful experience, to enjoy the feeling of shopping and to join in communities through