Analyzing My Writing Process Analysis

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The opportunity to analyse myself as a writer has been an informative and confronting exercise as through the composition of unit writing tasks I have found it necessary to adopt a more relaxed approach to writing in contrast to the strictly formalised learned writing style of my previous educative years. When scrutinising my writing, I discovered I had developed a transcriptional approach to writing where the focus was on grammar, correct spelling and structure as opposed to a compositional approach focussing on writing being a creative process.
The original literacy pedagogical approach to writing emphasised formal correctness of grammar and syntax. Modern writing is a creative experience and as such the pedagogical approach to writing …show more content…

While researching writing as a process I concurred with White and Arndt and this has been reflected in my pre-polished pieces (White & Arndt, …show more content…

(Loane, 2016), expanded upon these steps to create a full writing process inclusive of planning, drafting, editing, proofing and making a good final copy. Each of the writing steps remain links and are not reliant upon completion prior to the next step as writers inevitably return to previous steps to expend ideas, rewrite and edit. The prewriting focus is the equivalent to the planning stage where the writer takes notes, research, brainstorm, gather information and create an outline. When drafting, students construct ideas into sentences and paragraphs with an emphasis on explaining and supporting their ideas. This step is deemed writer centred; it is about what the writer is wanting to say. During the revising stage, students focus on becoming reader centred and refine their writing to ensure the connections between their ideas are clear and concise. The focus becomes what message, information or image the reader is receiving. It is during this step students are able to revisit previous steps in idea creation and drafting where necessary. Once the writer is satisfied with the previous three steps editing or polishing can commence with particular focus on grammar, mechanics and spelling resulting in a final proof of the written piece. Students who find writing challenging benefit greatly from the process writing approach and the