Analyzing Plato's Views On Rhetoric

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*draws a conclusion of sciences, arts, nats? subdivision of flattery, not interested in the truth, perhaps not know what it is, continues an attack on the sophists, there could be an art philosophic rhetoric towards the truth.


Griswold, Charles L., "Plato on Rhetoric and Poetry", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
(Fall 2014 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL

Plato's views on rhetoric in the Republic draw sentiments of opposition between philosophers, perhaps quarrel, although in discussing awareness of the foundations and importance of the proposed rhetoric in question, needs to be considered.

“there is an old quarrel between philosophy and poetry” (Republic, 607b5–6). …show more content…

Plato is best known for his poetic and rhetoric attributes Aristotle's earlier philosophical works in poetry discusses "dramatic" dialogues, that are constructed poetically, which branch into self-inflicted corruption as poetry reveals its audience. It is suggested that perhaps 'the republic'(italics) is directed at poetry, which identifies a clear contrast between philosophy and poetry that projects rivalry.

-Plato can write philosophy that in some ways are perceived as poetry.

- Plato's dialogues present a continuing conflict between philosophy, rhetoric and sophistry.

- Plato assimilates Poets as "rhetoricians" in Gorgias 502c, although it is said to be a questionable measure amongst