Analyzing Tennessee Williams 'Character In Arthur Miller's Dying'

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The bible said in the book of timothy chapter 3: 4- 5 this: ”4 They will be people who are disloyal, reckless, and conceited. They will love pleasure instead of loving God. 5 They will look like they are religious, but deny God’s power. Avoid people like this”. Whenever I read those verses, I always think about avoiding some people and live my life according to God will in the last days. Avoiding people become a part of my personal life. One of the reasons that I avoid others it’s because of fear of rejection and humiliation. Moreover, I was extremely self-conscious and worry so much about what people think about me and I never show any interest to them. In this assignment, my purpose is to explain in detail …show more content…

You 're a hypocrite if you criticize other people for wearing fur, but pull out your big mink jacket as soon as it gets cold. The word hypocrite is rooted in the Greek word hypocrites, which means “stage actor, pretender, dissembler.” The hypocrite person is the one who can stab you in your back and ask you after why you are bleeding. That’s why I always tried to avoid those kinds of people they are very dangerous. I like when a friend has courage to stand before me and tell that I am doing something wrong instead to talk behind my back when I’m not …show more content…

A jealous feeling deep within our being due to an experience we felt was out of our control. A moment of fear when we believed someone may have been talking negatively about us. A deep-rooted worries that a partner may no longer love us. Look back, we have all been there, and it is never a nice place to be. In this section, I will show you my strategies to work with an insecure person.
Advice them to pray more often
I believe that prayer is the key to overcome the insecurity. When people feel insecure and fear about their future I will advice them to pray more often. Because when you pray thing cannot be the same. The psalmist said: “Then they cried to the LORD in their trouble, and he delivered them from their distress. He made the storm be still, and the waves of the sea were hushed. Then they were glad that the waters were quiet, and he brought them to their desired

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