
Analyzing The Problems With The Current School System In The United States

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There are many problems with the current school system in the United States. First off, the main focus of most schools is preparing the students for standardized tests, and pay almost no attention to preparing the students for life after high school. Another problem is that schools aren’t evolving, or are very slowly evolving, with education. So schools are structured almost the exact same way now as they were 150 years ago, when there was no technology in the classroom. A third problem is that some schools are becoming too focused on sports. Now, I love high school sports and the opportunity it can provide kids, but when that takes priority over education there is a big problem. The last problem is that funding for schools is mainly focused …show more content…

The main problem with focusing so much on standardized tests is that students will not be taking these types of tests once they graduate college, so why not replace some of the time spent on teaching how to take standardized tests and devote it to preparing students how to handle themselves in the real world. Some schools are beginning to do this, in Virginia, for example, you are required to take a full year of either an economics or personal finance class. This is one of the few instances where these types of classes are required, and many schools don’t even offer a comparable class. You could also reduce the class sizes, which would create a much more personal experience. David S. Broder comments on these points by saying “the challenge of a tough curriculum, backed by skillful teaching in small classes and plenty of personal counseling, can be a path to success.” What this means is that he thinks schools should become more personal and focus more on the individual student than they are currently. In my opinion, this would be extremely helpful in allowing students to learn more, because there would be a lot more one on one teaching being done. This would lead to a much smaller chance of kids who don’t understand the material to be sitting in the back of the classroom not paying any attention. This kind of atmosphere would also let the …show more content…

The reason for this is that schools are trying to get more kids athletic scholarships to prestigious colleges. Now at a glance this seems like a really good thing right? It allows kids who wouldn’t normally be able to attend college to attend. But in some schools the high school coaches make it so that the students only get the bare minimum in education so that they can spend more of their time practicing their sport during school hours. 25 years ago you would only see this done in college for students that were going to be a guarantee to play professionally. Nowadays though you see it in high school with players that will maybe get a partial ride scholarship to a D2 school. So instead of students focusing on their studies and preparing for tests, they are out on the sports field in between their math and history

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