Analyzing The Sociological Explanations Of The Fashion Cycles

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Sociological Explanations of Fashion Cycles

Fashion shifts occur periodically and with increasing frequency in the popular culture. Generations of people are affected or impressed by the styles and fashion sense of the music or movie stars who carefully cultivate their image.
The question arises that why do fashion shifts take place or why and how they affect people? Sociology has explanation in four main theoretical currents. From the functionalist viewpoint, fashion trends come and go because they enable social inequality and this influences the fashion cycles. Exclusive fashion houses show new styles every season for their wealthy clientele. The main appeal lies of wearing exclusive and expensive new fashion is that it distinguishes wealthy people from others. Thus, fashion performs an important social function of allowing …show more content…

Inexpensive knockoffs could now reach lower-class markets quickly. Consequently, new styles had to be introduced to keep the wealthy clientele happy and maintain exclusivity. However new fashion trends are initiated and accessed by lower classes who reject high fashion. Some sociologists turn to conflict theory to explain the fashion trends. According to the conflict theory the underlying tensions are visible in the social arrangements and these tensions when reach a certain point lead to the social change. According to the proponents of this theory the big fashion houses introduce new styles frequently to make big profits. They encourage people to buy more often and keep them distracted from the socio-economic and political problems that might cause them to express dissatisfaction with the existing social order and rebel against it. The fashion helps in maintaining social balance that can be disrupted by the underlying tensions between consumers and big fashion and corporate