
Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Signs

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At first, the Egyptians used between 700 and 800 signs. By 300 B.C. Over 6,000 signs were in the written language. Many hieroglyphs came from nature or daily life. The Egyptian hieroglyphic script was one of the writing systems used by ancient Egyptians to represent their language. The word hieroglyph comes from the Greek hiero ‘holy’ and glypho ‘writing’. Hieroglyphic signs have a four categories. First, Alphabetic signs represent a single sound. Unfortunately the Egyptians took most vowels for granted and did not represent such as ‘e’ or ‘v’. So we may never know how the words were formed. Second, Syllabic signs represent a combination of two or three consonants. Third, Word-signs are pictures of objects used as the words for those objects.
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