Ancient Greek Accomplishments

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Introduction to the Ancient Greek Empire: The origin of the ancient Greek Empire also known as the Hellenic Empire, began after the fall of their predecessors, the Mycenaeans. The period between the fall of the Mycenaean civilizations which ended approximately 900 BCE, was referred to as the “dark age”. The first period of Ancient Greek was also commonly referred to as the Archaic period. Ancient Greece was known as one of the most influential and successful ancient empires, and was in its prime for approximately 700 years.
Ancient Greece had many accomplishments and reasons for fame. One of the ways they earned their fame was how they excelled in warfare in these instances; constant civil wars among their city-states; their hoplite …show more content…

Ancient Greeks were especially skilful in creating or sculpting realistic statues and sculptures. Each individual sculpture had a unique way of capturing the emphasised yet natural beauty and perfect form of subject, whether animal, human or another part of nature. Ancient Romans had even attempted to imitate the majestic piece of artistry but couldn't seem to quite capture the same sense of beauty. Throughout the Renaissance period, Greek artwork had influenced and formed several great artists. Today, ancient Greek art approaches are pervasive and world wide. This specific type of Greek art, particularly sculpture and architecture were also incredibly influential on other societies. Greek sculpture from 800-300 B.C.E. were inspired from Egyptian and Near Eastern monumental art and, over many centuries, had evolved into a special Greek vision of the art form. Greek artists had reached the peak of their mountain of excellence which had apprehended the human form in such a way that had never been seen and copied or remade in a large variety of ways. Greek sculptors were especially concerned with proportion, poise. and the idealized perfection of the human bodies detail and shape; their figures in stone and bronze had become some of the most well known and recognisable pieces of art ever produced by a civilization,
Punishments Punishments back in the Ancient Greek empire was declared …show more content…

so at only 20 years old, Alexander the Great had taken over the throne of Macedonia. Although he was the ruler of Macedonia, his reign stretched from Greece to north-west India. Alexander would kill his rivals before they could challenge his sovereignty. He was not just known as a loyal ancient ruler, but one of history’s most brilliant military minds. The reasoning for his title was from his military skills way ahead of his time. He had skill of maintaining a superb information system, his ability to interpret his opponents motives, and he had learnt how to master coordination throughout every inch of his military machines. No leader before him had ever used speed and surprise to their advantage, nor to such extent. Alexander the Great had also established some of the largest ancient empires to ever been discovered. Alexander had also left shortly after his fathers death to follow in his footsteps and begin his own take on continuing Macedonia’s world domination. Although he had died before succeeding in this mission. His influence on Greek and Asian culture so profound that it inspired a new historical epoch (The Hellenistic