Ancient Religions

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There are thousands of religions today; they could combine to create 18 smaller categories. With 18 various religions, are there 18 or more gods or goddesses whom we preach and worship? Are we preaching to different gods or goddesses or do we all praise the same god or goddess? I believe that we all do praise and worship the same one god/goddess/deity. Having different names for various gods and goddesses does not mean that they are not the same entity. What is a god? For starters, god is no one. All religions can agree that ‘god' is not the best terminology to describe who they worship. Religions have a set path for how its followers should carry themselves. They can agree that you will be will have a better afterlife if you spend your life …show more content…

God is the supreme being. Religions have unique beings, yet there are some common characteristics many of them possess. A supreme being is transcendent, eternal, simple, benevolent, omnipotent, and omnificent. And because of all these qualities, although there may be many gods, the gods worshiped are the same god. For starters, there are the 'three religions of the book'. They are three religions that originated from one. Although their religions are unique,they still worship the same supreme being. These are also known as the Abrahamic religions. These religions are Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Our textbook states, "Abraham was told by God to ‘arise and go' (Genesis 12.1) to" a new land that God promised to give him so that he could become the founding father of a …show more content…

An atheist is someone who does not worship or believe in a high being. Atheists are an exception to the rule since they do not believe I n any higher power, so it is impossible for them to believe in the same higher power. Buddhism and Hinduism, are polytheistic religions, yet, they do have one ‘god' who reigns supreme. In Hinduism, there are many deities because they believe everything to be a manifestation of God. Their main three god's functions: the creator, the preserver, and the destroyer. These three different gods are a manifestation their world. To them, even Christians' god is a manifestation of the universe. In Christianity, there is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, which are all manifestations of God. Because both religions believe that there are manifestations of an ultimate higher power within our world, they must believe worship the same god because only one person can create the world. For Buddhism, they to do not believe in a God since words were not adequate enough to describe an entity as divine, but they do believe in Nirvana. Nirvana is this infinite bliss that one aims to reach by living their life a certain way by following the teachings of the Buddha. In Christianity, there is a place where Christians can receive eternal happiness if they follow the path of God throughout their life's endeavors: heaven. Because there is a