
Andragogy: The Adult Learning Theory-Elearning Industry

1540 Words7 Pages

Kasie Cavanagh
Week 8 – Final Project
Instructor: Greg Mandalas EDUC 320

 Table of Contents
 Introduction - Andragogy
 Building Community
 Integrating Technology
 Plan for Instruction
 Attending to Barriers
 Plan for Assessment
 Conclusion
 Reference Page

Introduction - Andragogy
Pedagogy and Andragogy
According to Malcolm Knowles, andragogy is the art and science of adult learning, thus andragogy refers to any form of adult learning. (Kearsley, 2010).
“Pedagogy, which in Greek means child-leading” ("The Adult Learning Theory - Andragogy - of Malcolm Knowles - eLearning Industry", 2017)
I made a chart for you to easily understand Similarities and Differences: What do you think is most important in …show more content…

Life and Career Planning The institution addresses adult learners’ life and career goals before or at the onset of enrollment in order to assess and align its capacities to help learners reach their goals.
Financing The institution promotes choice using an array of payment options for adult learners in order to expand equity and financial flexibility.
Assessment of Learning Outcomes The institution defines and assesses the knowledge, skills, and competencies acquired by adult learners both from the curriculum and from life/work experience in order to assign credit and confer degrees with rigor.
Teaching–Learning Process The institution’s faculty uses multiple methods of instruction (including experiential and problem-based methods) for adult learners in order to connect curricular concepts to useful knowledge and skills.
Student Support Systems The institution assists adult learners using comprehensive academic and student support systems in order to enhance students’ capacities to become self-directed, lifelong …show more content…

T. (2005). At-risk online learners: Reducing barriers to success. eLearn Magazine. Retrieved from http://elearnmag.acm.org/featured.cfm?aid=1082221
Kearsley, G. (2010). Andragogy (M.Knowles). The theory Into practice database. Retrieved from http://tip.psychology.org
Macpherson, E. (2017). 10 Quick and Easy Ways to Develop a Strong Classroom Community - WeAreTeachers. WeAreTeachers. Retrieved 21 August 2017, from https://www.weareteachers.com/10-quick-and-easy-ways-to-develop-a-strong-classroom-community-2/
MAT, Marygrove. "Humor: The Ultimate Classroom Management Tool?." Info.marygrove.edu. N.p., 2017. Web. 26 Sept. 2017.
Strategies for Building a Productive and Positive Learning Environment. (2017). Educationcorner.com. Retrieved 21 August 2017, from http://www.educationcorner.com/building-a-positive-learning-environment.html
Tomlinson, C. A. (2001) How to differentiate instruction in mixed ability classrooms. (2nd ed.).
Alexandria, VA: ASCD
What is a Rubric?. (2017). Rubistar.4teachers.org. Retrieved 14 September 2017, from

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