Andrea Dworkin's Essay 'Onceuponatime'

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In her essay, “Onceuponatime” American writer Andrea Dworkin proclaim that culture is prearrange who we are; by implying that we are born into a sex role based on what we learn in fairy tales. Dworkin expose many fairy tales to make vivid the fact that gender inequality is an immense conflict, as its primary information teach men and women how to interact.
“We dream that death will release us from suffering - from guilt, sex, the body… We dream of a death that will mean freedom from it because here on earth, in our bodies, we are fragmented, anguished - either men or women, bound by the very fact of a particularized body to a role which is annihilating, totalitarian, which forbids us any real self-becoming or self-realization.”
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Nonetheless, in reality Andrea Dworkin’s article addresses the issue of the past as how new fairy tales have come out over the years. The thing about fairy tales is that they are always going to be around. It can be the most boring fairy tale ever but it will always keep circling around because its a tradition that won’t die. When a child goes to sleep the parents try to make them fall asleep by telling them a story; the story they going to are the same ones they were told as kids. For example, in the article it states Rapunzel’s story, “Mama didn’t think twice - she traded. Rapunzel for a vegetable. Rapunzel’s surrogate mother, the witch, did not do much better by her.” This tale is not difficult to forget or any other. The thing about all this fairy tales the same thing seems to occur constantly, even on the newest disney ones. The mother somehow always die and the daughter is trying to overcome a challenge. A guy or a male character comes to rescue and tries to support her or even recuse her. It is a given to be honest, nothing new to expect. In addition, “Here we discover the cardinal principle of sexist ontology - the only good woman is a dead woman. When she is bad she lives, or when she lives she is bad… She is ruthless, brutal, ambitious, a danger to children and other living things. Whether called mother, queen stepmother or wicked witch, she is the wicked witch, the content of nightmare, the source of terror.” Lately all fairy tales stayed to the same script and have not evolved from it. Critics may believe that fairy tales have not shaped society but in truth you see how constant the same theme arises. It is not fair that women are seen as weak and that they need help of a guy to help them overcome whatever conflict they have. We are teaching our kids the wrong idea; that