
Andrew Braaksma Some Lessons From The Assembly Line Summary

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Working long hours of backbreaking work at a factory or sitting in a college dorm drinking a couple cold ones. In "some lessons from the assembly line" by Andrew braaksma the author tells of his time spent in college and working as a blue-collar factory worker in the summer. The author makes comparisons to the hardships faced by blue-collar workers and the importance of a college education. The author also stresses his gratitude for the gift of being able to attend college and how others are less fortunate. The author's goal in writing this article is showing how important a college education is and how some may not be as fortunate as others in the ability to attend college. I agree with the authors claim because working a blue-collar job involves …show more content…

The author makes very valid points the fact that working such long days with little pay really stresses home the importance of getting a college education. The thought of being stuck in a hot factory with the ever-looming fear of being unemployed is one point the author makes that really solidified why college is so important. One thing the author does, however, is exacerbated how easy college life can be. For those who go directly to college after high school sure but some of us are fighting to do both at the same time. despite this, though no one can argue the importance of a good …show more content…

"As frustrating as the work can be, the most stressful thing about blue-collar life is knowing your job could disappear overnight." When you put yourself in the perspective of worrying about your job it really demonstrates the fact that a college education is so important. When you go to work every day for what to some is a lifetime only to have your job stripped away because of cheaper labor is one key reason a college education is important. you need to develop the skills needed to succeed and making your self important to the companies that you work for. Without these skills then you find yourself easily replaceable. it may be a cruel reality for some but if you truly have the will and determination to get a college education you can do

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